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honeybadgerradio's podcast

Kavanaugh Hearing and Mythcon w/ Karen Straughan & Aydin Paladin | Culture War Happenings

Sep 29, 2018

Join Brian Martinez, Karen Straughan, Aydin Paladin and Lauren Brooks on a special stream as we reflect on the events at Mythcon last weekend.

Title IX and the MeToo Liar's game | HBR Talk 53

Sep 28, 2018

Tune in to HBR Talk for the final segment on Rowan University's Title IX speaker, Laura Dunn, and her victim narrative, with reactions, analysis, and further discussion by Prim Reaper, Undercover badger Andrew, and host Hannah...

Kavanaugh in the Sights of MeToo and James Woods in Twitter Jail | HBR News 178

Sep 26, 2018

Join us on this week's news show as we talk about the stories of the week, including Kavanaugh accusations, Linux devs threatening to pull the kill switch, Brie Larsen should smile more,...

Choosing a Counsellor that's Right for You! | Men's Mental Health 7 with Prim Reaper

Sep 24, 2018

On tonight's show, we'll be talking about methods of making sure that you can find a counsellor that's going to work WITH you, not against you!

Feminists don't respect men's boundaries | HBR Talk 52

Sep 21, 2018

Join us tonight HBR Talk as we look at feminist boundary issues as an essential component of feminists' push for the discriminatory campus sexual misconduct law and policy under discussion at Rowan University's 2018 Title IX conference, in conjunction with more of the keynote speaker's...