Mar 31, 2020
Join us on this totally preplanned and not at all spontaneously thrown together response to Christina Hoff Sommers' comments regarding MRAs and those bitter MGTOW
Mar 28, 2020
Join Brian's Badger Lodge as we talk with you about some comments regarding the last stream as well as hear from the community about how the Beer Bug has affected you & your social circle. How are you coping with the quarantine & social distancing?
Mar 27, 2020
Join HBR Talk as we lay down another very important boundary: No, feminists, we do not consent to being your boogeyman, and we do not consent to being the catch-all label for men you hate and fear. Once again, who we are is not your call!
Mar 24, 2020
Enjoy a bite sized version of a week in badger.
For 16th-20th March
Mar 24, 2020
Join us on the Fireside Chat with former Congressional Candidate, Educator and political introvert Arthur Lieber as we discuss education reform, empathy, and what a political introvert is.