Aug 31, 2021
Join us on HBR Debate as we do something a little different: an old Buzzfeed Quiz called "What % Sexist Are You?" where we will no doubt discover just how depraved and evil we actually are because we don't make wamen the center of the universe.
Aug 28, 2021
Join us on HBR Debate as we continue our harrowing journey through a video from Britain's "This Morning" show where feminist author Laura Bates explains how "incels" are a misogynistic, far-right, racist death cult because they are lonely and she would never lie about any groups that are composed of mostly young...
Aug 27, 2021
Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk this week to look at a recent report on the sexual assault of men.
Aug 26, 2021
Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a video from Britain's "This Morning" show where feminist author Laura Bates explains how "incels" are a misogynistic, far-right, racist death cult because they are lonely and she would never lie about any groups that are composed of mostly young men frustrated by the state of...
Aug 25, 2021
This week on HBR News we discuss the fall of Onlyfans, the recent shooting in the UK that is being framed as another act of incel terrorism, a European human rights court takes family courts to task, and more!