Sep 27, 2019
Western women have one hell of a problem: They have a victim identity to live by and no way to rationally support it. What's a gal to do? Ad lib, of course! HBR Talk examines women's remarkable ability to turn ordinary things into major issues, snatching victimhood from the jaws of privilege.
Sep 25, 2019
Join us on the HBR News show as we look at the crazy news of the week, including more on the Jonathan Vanderhagen story, South Korea's growing antifeminist movement, Jordan B. Peterson checks himself into rehab after his wife falls very ill, and more!
Sep 24, 2019
Join us on the Fireside Chat with our very special guest Marc Angelucci of the National Coalition for Men as we discuss possible precedent-setting cases that could make for some great positive change for men's legal rights!
Sep 21, 2019
Join us on the Week in men's Rights as we discuss some men's issues of the week!
Sep 20, 2019
In the spirit of holding victim identitarians to their own standards, HBR Talk examines women's exploitation of MeToo as a political and social weapon, against both individual men, and the demographic "men in power." Is this what they're talking about when they refer to a harassment campaign?