Apr 30, 2021
This week, HBR Talk will examine the balance between the human need for safety and security, and the human need for constructive risk-taking for the welfare and advancement of both the individual, and the greater community.
Apr 29, 2021
This week on HBR News we discuss the knife fight that made the news between two young girls just being girls, the Biden Administration's climate plan, how the USPS is monitoring our social media posts, and more!
Apr 27, 2021
Join us on HBR Debate as we give a listen to an NPR segment entitled "What Would A 'Feminist Internet' Look Like?" where Charlotte Jee of the MIT technology review speaks about some ideas to make the internet more feminist. What do you think that means?
Apr 24, 2021
Join us on the Badger Lodge as we take a look at an article from Rafford Pyke: "What Men Like In Men" from Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1902, when Cosmo was a family oriented magazine, not a woman's rag good only for perfume samples, then take your calls.
Apr 24, 2021
So Falcon and the Winter Soldier just ended, and I have thoughts. I suspect that I have thoughts that many in the "geek media review sphere" are not considering. Join Brian and Lindsey as we talk about my thoughts on Falcon and the Winter Soldier Season 1.